At present, interest in auto loans among our citizens and the demand for its purchase are growing year by year. One of the main products of banks is auto loans.
In our bank, simplification of Auto loans for citizens to use is one of the main tasks.
Saderatbank has 2 auto loans products with prepayment, Included auto 3 years and auto 4 years. These auto loans are given to citizens by making 25% -30% advance payments. The annual percentage of loans is 23% -25%. Required documents this is a passport and a certificate of annual salary confirmation. One of the main conditions for loans is the availability of permanent work for this citizen. Also in the allocation of credit, attention is paid to the credit history and the amount of debts of citizens. The question that arises a lot among citizens-what to do if the annual salary is not enough? In this case, loans are allocated by citizens by paying more than the initial payment. That is, 30% is paid not 40% - 50%.
How to determine the solvency of citizens? The average annual salary is taken and compared to the monthly loan payment. If the monthly salary is at least 1.6 times greater than the credit payment, then this loan will be given a positive result. To speed up and simplify the process of sending an application, you can use our profiles on our website and Instagram, Facebook, Telegram+998911353425. It is possible to leave an electronic application by sending a passport and a certificate of monthly salary. The closure of overdue debts and the absence of other debts before our citizens give the application is the basis for a positive conclusion of the application in the future. Below, through 2 tables, the data on-demand cars were presented. The amount of payments in these tables can vary depending on the term of the contract for the delivery of the car!