Exchange rates
Updated: 14.10.2024
12 720 UZS
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12 820 UZS
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12 800 UZS
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14 300 UZS
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Our best offers
Deposit plastic card

Deposit plastic card

In our bank, there is a
In our bank, there is a "deposit plastic card" in combination with plastic cards for employment.
This plastic card is different from other plastic cards and is distinguished by its functions. In particular, the plastic card itself embodies all the features of an ordinary plastic card and adds an additional savings function to it. If you have this card subconsciously, then this card is both plastic and savings. You can freely use plastic cards, save and use coins as long as you like. We will pay you an annual 10.5% return if you own this card and have deposited your funds. Your funds work 24 hours for you is embodied in exactly this plastic card. For example, your balances on plastic cards are on average 5 mln.sum, we will throw you a monthly on your card with an income of 10.5% to 525 000 sum per annum.      
​​​​​​​It is possible to come with the passport to the Office of our bank to open and formalize this bank plastic card. If you want to remotely formalize a bank card, you can use the site of the bank, the bot of the bank telegram, or simply our telegram address. It is necessary to send your passport electronically and pay 36 800 sum for the card.
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