1. Live at your own expense. If you break this rule, you will lose harmony in your own life. You are spending money that you do not earn, in fact, you can lose it at any time, using what you do not own! Know the difference between your needs.
2. Work on increasing your winnings. Know what you are paying for and develop in this area. Getting in-depth knowledge in the narrow space, and expanding the scope of your responsibilities, improving the quality of work done, as well as getting the job done faster can be key to increasing your income.
3. Do not expect quick results. Increasing the income is the result of long and routine work, so be patient and move towards the goal with small steps.
4. Create additional sources of income. The secret of the financial stability of successful people in many labs lies in many sources of income.
5. Save money. Your money is your "protected" time and the energy you spend on them.
6. Pay attention to money. They do not spend on gambling, financial pyramids, dubious business, and transactions.
7. Do not lend. Relationships with great risks lose confidence between close people. Let these things go to the banks.
8. Ask about the discount and use special offers. For the seller, of course, it will be more profitable for you to offer a discount and sell the product than to refuse a discount and do not sell.
9. Study the literature on financial literacy. Your well-being directly depends on the level of financial literacy!
10. Make sure that your income always goes from your expenses to your expenses quickly. Thus, your income should always be greater than your expenses. This is one of the basic principles of financial well-being.